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Vadizen Question Bank (VQBank)

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About QBank

Vadizen QBank is primarily a question paper generation software for schools, colleges, coaching centres and other institutions where storing of questions and question paper generation are required. Our Qbank software is carefully and specially prepared to avoid maximum human intervention during question paper generation.

A set of criteria is created before generating a question paper and based on the criteria, a set (version) of question papers are generated and printouts are provided in A4 & A5 formats. Qbank has two sections:- one is for question entry and question paper generation and the other one is for students to generate practice question papers based on the criteria set by admin.

Question Entry

There are provisions for entering Classes, Divisions, Subjects, Text books, Chapters, Topics, Marks and Exam Names. Difficulty levels for questions can be selected from easy, medium and hard.

Once the above master data are set, admin (super admin, admin, teachers and controllers) can start entering questions. Text editor is set for entering questions and answers. With the provided text editor mathematical formulae, chemical equations and multi-language questions can be entered. Image questions and answers can also be entered.
QBank question entry
QBank question paper

Question Paper Generation

When enough questions are added and verified, question paper generation is started. First the admin need to configure the question papers. Question paper can be generated with different sections like multiple choice questions, short answer type questions, descriptive questions etc. A question pool is generated for every section from which random questions are selected during question paper generation.

Any number of sets can be prepared with one configuration. Once the question paper configuration is set, it is verified and submitted. All these configurations are available in ‘Manage Exams’ list and question paper generation is possible by just clicking the ‘GENERATE’ button. Question paper is available in A4 & A5 print format. Question paper theme is customizable based on the demand from customers.

Student Practice Question Paper

Students can register via an online link in the website which can be controlled by the admin. Admin is able register students via excel sheet or html form.

Admin sets a pattern for generating practice question paper at the student side based on class, division and subject. Once the practice question paper is generated by the student, student can enter his/her marks against each question in the software after assessing (self-assessment) the answers given by the student.
Qbank student side