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Vadizen Career Management System

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Create Vacancies in VCMS

About Vadizen Career Management System

Vadizen Career Management System is an application management system where an applicant can register against the vacancies posted by the admin and admin can sort and shortlist applicants. Apart from this, admin can add employees of that organization and retrieve data with the help of fast search and filtering.

Admin will add the reported vacancies through a form, one at a time. Any number of vacancies can be made live at the same time. Once enough candidates are applied for a particular vacancy, admin deactivates a vacancy and can activate the same vacancy if needed at a later time. All the live vacancies, added by the admin, will appear in the applicant registration page.

Applicant Registration

Applicant registration page will be a part of the customer’s website. It is visible to all the visitors of the website. Live vacancies are available in this page with an application form at the right hand side of the page.

Suitable candidates will apply through this form with their CVs, photo and other necessary details. Live vacancies will automatically appear in the form to choose for candidates. Candidate can apply for any number of vacancies, but for one at a time.
Applicant Registration in VCMS
View Applications in VCMS

Application Management

Details of the applied candidates to various positions are listed in the ‘Applicants’ page of the admin section. From a vast array of applications, admin can choose right candidates by using various filters like district, post applied, gender, age and expected salary.

We will customize the filter types according to the need of the client. Selected candidates can be marked as ‘Short Listed’ and they will appear in a separate list.

Employee Management

Every managers or supervisors may need to access the details of their employees sometimes. For this, we provide a solution to save and retrieve the details of employees easily and quickly.

Admin can upload all the employees at once with an excel upload option or one by one using a form provided in the ‘Add Employees’ page. All the employees’ details are listed in ‘View Employees’ page with various helpful filter options.
Employee Managment in VCMS